Hello Reader,
But my recent readings on all of that has certainly helped
me understand one simple thing. And I would like to share this to those who
find it difficult to understand it. How can a common man help the falling
rupee? The only way we can help the Indian economy is by buying the products
being manufactured in India. In very simple words, the import should be reduced
and export should be increased. Buying the items that are manufactured by foreign
brands should be reduced if not stopped completely. Also, the Indian companies
should make an effort to promote their brands world-wide and giving amazing
offers and quality products.
We all rely on the foreign brands from the start of our day,
be it brushing our teeth, we use Colgate or Close-up. For bathing, we use
Dettol, lux or dove soaps and shampoos. Even most of our networks are owned by
companies like Vodafone. Where is all the money you spend on these items
flowing to? It is all your money which goes out to the foreign companies. And
what happens if you use the Indian products like dabur, vicco and BSNL? The
money remains within the Indian boundaries, helping the rupee to strengthen
which will ultimately reduce the prices of all other commodities as well.
So, the next time you go out for shopping, do think once before buying and try
to go for the Indian brands and products. Help yourselves and your country in
the times of economic crisis.
Wanted to share a sheet created by my colleague based on the same topic - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq3deC53Ce86dGxaWXV6WVZ6TzFhcm9qc2RITkFFaVE#gid=0